Choose a bundle
and calculate your price.
Great prices. No activation fees.
Start your 14 days trial today!- Standard Automation of customer care for small companies.
- Starts at 4 € monthly
From 5 users
Email Campaigns STANDARDBasic types of campaigns.
From 15 forms
Survey STANDARDBasic types of questions.
AutomationForms. Contacts.
1 ExtensionsContacts automation.
- Professional Professional customer care automation solutions.
- Starts at 6 € monthly
From 10 users
Email campaigns PROFESSIONALAll types of campaigns.
From 30 forms
Survey PROFESSIONALAll types of questions.
AutomationEmails. Surveys. Forms. Contacts.
4 extensionsAutomation in Contacts.
Link analysis.
Filter by sent campaigns.
- Enterprise To achieve maximum efficiency of customer care automation.
- Starts at 11 € monthly
From 45 users
Email Campaigns ENTERPRISEAll types of campaigns.
From 100 forms
Survey ENTERPRISEAll types of questions.
AutomationEmails. Surveys. Forms. Contacts.
ERP / CRM / E-shop connection1 automation scenario included.
6 extensionsAutomation in Contacts.
Link analysis.
Filter by sent campaigns.
Custom CRM items
Automation for ERP / CRM / E-shop
Calculate your price

Can I try the system for free before I decide?
YES! You can start using the entire application as soon as you create an account. With minor restrictions and up to 200 contacts, you can use Quanda for 14 days for free. After 14 days, your trial period will end automatically. If you want, you can continue with one of the paid tariffs.
Do I need to download and install the software?
Nothing like that is needed. All you need to do to get the most out of Quanda is create an account, choose a tariff that meets your needs, and get started. Quanda is an online service available at any time in all browsers.
Do I need to sign a written contract if I want to use Quanda?
No written contracts. Choose a tariff, create an account and start using the system. All its functions are fully available to you. However, if for any reason you need a written contract, write to us and we will be happy to send you the contract.
I need custom templates for email campaigns, right?
Quanda allows you to have the design of your online questionnaires and email campaigns designed to fully support your graphic and visual style. We will design and customize the questionnaire and e-mail templates exactly according to your ideas.
Will someone help me to start or will I be alone?
You will not be alone. We will be happy to help you put everything into practice so that you get the most out of using these modern marketing tools. We will be happy to share with you our many years of practical experience so that your start is as fast as possible.
... and if I need anything, what should I do?
We are always available. We do everything to make using our system fun with professional results. Despite many help texts, you may not know the advice. In this case, do not hesitate to contact us.