2 concrete examples and guidelines on how to increase the click-through rate by 20% or 80% via automatization.

Email marketing

2 concrete examples and guidelines on how to increase the click-through rate by 20% or 80% via automatization.

After sending all email campaigns, you have a lot of numbers and statistics at your disposal. However, some are more important than others. What do you have to watch out for then?

  • Jan Spáčil
  • Author

  • Jan Spáčil

Focus on watching the click-throughs

Every email campaign has a different goal and purpose. Some inform, some sell. One of the key factors of rating the results of your email campaign is the number of click-throughs, or the number of recipients that clicked on the links in your email. This number is called CTR (from the English ‘‘Click Through Rate‘‘) and it measures the click-through rate. The higher the number, the bigger the amount of recipients who made the next step to a purchase, an order, a registration or a different conversion that was expected.

How can you increace the CTR via email automatizations?

There are of course many other recommendations and tips that you can do to make the recipients of your emails click on the links in them. But now we are going to focus on how to increase CTR by using automatizations available in simple email campaigns.

1. Send an email again to those who didn´t open it. You can increase the click-through rate by 20 %.

  • Time needed for this step: 2 to 5 minutes

This is a very simple way of addressing more people in the so called ‘‘second wave‘‘. By repeatedly sending the same email to the receivers who didn’t open the first email, you can get other recipients that open the email and click on the links. Let’s take a look at an example.

A concrete example from our customer:

The first email

Sent: 1 478,
Delivered: 1 465 (99,1 %)
Opened: 351 (24 %)
Click-through: 75 (CTR 5,1 %)

The follow-up email with condition of a 3-day period  for sending the email againto those who didn´t open the first one.

Sent: 1 114
Delivered: 1 111 (99,7 %)
Opened: 109 (9,8 %)
Click-through: 16 (CTR 1,4 %)

The total CTR has increased from the original 5,1 % to 6,2 % (75 + 16 = 91; 91 / 1 465 = 6,2 %).

"By sending the email again to those who didn’t open it the first time, we increased the click-through rate by almost 22 %."


How can you achieve this?

1. Save the email as a new template .

After you finish and test the email you want to send (type: a simple email campaign), save it as a new template.

uložit novou šablonu e-mailu

2. Create a new transaction email in the Transaction emails part.

Name the transaction email fittingly and use the newly saved template to create the email in the email editor. The email should contain everything the original campaign had – all the texts, images and links.

transakční e-mail

Save the email, test it and activate it on the page Activation of the transaction email. After activating it, the transaction email is ready to be sent and used in the automatization of a simple email campaign that you want to send.

3. Add a new condition of automatization.

Go back to the original email and add a new automatization on the page Automatization. Name the automatization and then choose ‘‘didn’t open email‘‘ in the ‘‘If the recipient of the email‘‘ section, then in AFTER set up, for example, 3 days, click Send email and insert the newly saved and activated transaction email.

Nová podmínka automatizace

4. Send an email with a pre-set automatization and a connected transaction email.

Save the automatization and continue onto the Sending page and send the email.

5. Watch the results.

Quanda will send the connected transaction email to all the recipients who didn’t read the first email 3 days after sending this new email.


2. Send a follow-up email to all the recepients who didn´t click the link you wanted them to click. You can increase the click-through rate by 80 %.

  • Time needed for this step: the preparation of a new email + 2 to 5 minutes.

This easy step will bring you more click-throughs. It is a bit more time consuming than the first approach, but it is worth it.

A concrete example from our customer:

The first email

Sent: 2 551
Delivered: 2 491 (97,6 %)
Opened: 1 196 (48 %)
Clicked-through: 390 (CTR 15,7 %)

The follow-up email with the conditionof a 3-day period for sending the email again to those who didn´t open the first one.

Sent: 2 108
Delivered: 2 100 (99,6 %)
Opened: 901 (42,9 %)
Clicked-through: 324 (CTR 15,4 %)

The final CTR has increased from the initial 15,7 % to 28,7 % (390 + 324 = 714; 714 / 2 491 = 28,7 %).

By sending the email again to those who didn’t open it the first time, we increased the click-through rate by almost 83%.


How to achieve this?

1. Create a new transaction email.

Create a new transaction email that you will send as a reminder to those who didn’t click the link you wanted them to click in the section Transaction emails. Remember that this step will include a) all the recipients who didn’t open the original email and didn’t read it, b) all the recipient who read the original email but didn’t click the desired link. The reminder email should keep both groups in mind. Don’t forget to insert the clickable link into this email. Make this email simple, clear and insert a bright link.

Vytvořit nový transakční e-mail

2. Add a new condition of automatization.

Open the email that you want to send via the left menu in Automatization. Add a new automatization here and name it. In the ‘‘If the recipient of this email‘‘ section choose ‘‘didn’t click a concrete link‘‘, then in AFTER set-up 2 days for example, choose Send email and insert the newly saved email and the activated transaction email with a reminder.

podmínka automatizace

In both examples, the time-period of the delay is counted from the sending of the original email (a simple email campaign with a pre-set automatization). If you set-up 3 days, the transaction mail will send 3 days after the sending of the original email.

If you set up conditions ‘‘opened‘‘ or ‘‘clicked on the concrete link‘‘ the calculation of time will run differently. It will start from the moment ‘‘opened‘‘ or ‘‘clicked‘‘ will happen. 1 day after the click-through or the opening means 1 day after the recipient opened or clicked-through, not 1 day after the sending of the email.

3. Send the email with a pre-set automatization and a connected transaction email.

Save the automatization and continue onto the Sending page and send the email.

4. Watch the results.

Quanda will send the connected transaction email to all the recipients who didn’t click on the desired link in the email 2 days after sending this new email.


If you want to know about all the other automatizations in Quanda – of which there are 68 right now – contact us. We will gladly introduce you to other automatizations and their practical use.


If you liked the article, leave us a comment. We love comments!

We wish you good luck!

Jan Spáčil



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